Our online services are hosted at ipswich.online.church Each of our services has a live chat that we would love for you to use to make it a more interactive worship experience for you, and to help you keep the sense of community as we gather together. If you would like to receive prayer from one of our pastors, please fill out the contact form on our contact page.
We understand that not all people are able to access our church onsite or online due to their circumstances. For this reason we offer church over the phone. This may be the most suitable church solutoion for you or someone you know.
To join us on the phone just ring: (07) 5660 6012 and then enter in the access code: 298596#
You can listen in to the full service (at the same times as our video streaming friends) in this way. If you have any trouble accessing this service, please contact our office on 07 3202 4035 during office hours so that we can help for future services.
If you know of anyone that might like to join in worship in this way – be sure to pass on this information to them!