Hi Church!
As many of you may already know, I am having a baby very soon, and thus will be going on leave for the remainder of the year. We have recently welcomed Jacqui to our team, who will be filling this role during this time, you will see her around the church office if you come in during office hours. Jacqui's role is part time, so please be considerate of this when submitting requests to her. Please also be patient and kind with her over this period as she is learning this role.
In line with this staffing change, our office opening hours are updating to 10am to 1pm Monday to Thursday, beginning Monday 13 March. You can still book in a time outside of these hours if need be, but please note that these are the hours we will regularly be open and have our phone lines on. To book an appointment, you can call Jacqui during office hours, or email info@ipswich.church, and she will get back to you (the same as what I have done up to now).
I would also ask that you please submit any new content for each week's newsletter no later than Wednesday, so that Jacqui has time on a Thursday to finalise what will be included. If you would like a graphic designed to be added, this needs to be submitted the week prior.
I am personally so grateful to have Jacqui here to take care of the administrative needs of the parish and pastors in my absense.